Oh So Relatable

Things My Anxiety Tells Me 

  • He doesn’t love you
  • He doesn’t miss you
  • You’ll probably scare him away
  • They’re talking about you while you’re not there
  • Your hair is probably frizzy right now
  • You’re not actually invited, they just felt bad
  • You’re probably doing that workout wrong & everyone at the gym knows it
  • If you sit on the couch everyone will think you’re lazy
  • He’ll never love you like he loved her


it’s a shecret.

“When did you decide you were leaving me?”

Ever been through a break up, and as you’re sitting there holding your broken heart you think: when did he decide he was leaving me?

Here’s the thing.. and quite honestly, this should be common knowledge, so I’m sharing it with you: when someone breaks up with you, they have already mentally broken up with you weeks, if not months, before the actual physical split.

It’s harsh right?

However, it’s true.

so dear girls,

You are broken up before the breakup.

…. he doesn’t deserve you anyways.


it’s a shecret.